Lusi Pronounceable Domain Generator

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Find short domain names with 3 or 4 letters


Short domain names are very popular

This is not surprising, short names are very catchy and melodious. But they are also very rar because of the few amount of possible combinations. Because of this, finding free short domains is very difficult. All of the very common ‚com‘ top level domains with 4 letters are all already registered. So, to get a 4-letter .com Domain name, you unfortunately have to pay a lot of money.

But don’t worry, you can simply choose one of the cool alternative TLD, like .io, .ai, .me and so on. If your target group is located in a specific country, it is strongly recommended to use a country code TLD like ‚.de‘ , ‚.sp‘, ‚‘, etc. For those TLD, many four-letter domains often still available.

How to find short domain names?

But how to query all the possible combinations and simultaneously check their availability? With Lusi Domain Generator this will be just a piece of cake. Choose your favorite Domain Pattern like ‚etsy‘ (VCCy) or ‚ebay‘ (VCVy), maybe with a specific start letter or end letter and you are done. Now lusi will automatically query all the possible combinations for you with an in-time availability lookup. You only have to click the ‚generate‘ button. If you have find an interesting available domain name, you can save it in your favorite list.

How to start finding 4 letter domain names?

If you have no idea how to start, just list a set of 4-letter Names, that you are like. If this is done, the only you have to do is create a pattern of each name from your list. Let me show you an example type of List:

  • Lusi


  • Ilsa


  • Alan


  • Carl


  • Bill


  • Moon


  • Emmy


  • Bolt


  • Skat


Empower your creativity, start now


Very easy, isn’t it? In my API you can laern how to create the pattern just in minutes. Use all the lusi domain search features to empower your results: call a random letter from a custom set of letters, create names with double letters or place a specific first letter.

For further use you even are able to save your set of variables to call it in your pattern randomly. This is fun and improves your creativity power – start now!

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