Lusi Pronounceable Domain Generator

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Output: tuni, tini, tone, ...

Place 'V' in your pattern to call a vowel ' a, e, i, o, u' randomly


Output: libi, kisi, pigi, ...

Place 'C' in your pattern to call a consonant ' b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z' randomly

a-zplain letter

Output: adil, amor, amit, ...

simply mix fixed plain letters with your other variables. Useful for example if a word should start with a specific letter like "a".

[a-z]a random letter from a set of letters

Output: finu, lume, piti, ...

prints randomly a letter from a given set of letters. Place the letters inside square brackets '[]' for example [rtzpsfgklbnm]

*random letter

Output: duxy, neld, nona, ...

prints a random letter from the entire alphabet.

^capitalize next letter

Output: Rika, Muko, Bula, ...

To capitalize the next letter you can use '^'. For example: '^n' will print 'N'

+repeat previous letter

CVC+V Output: lekko, robbu, fiffo, ...

CV[rtzpsfgklbnm]+er Output: zikker, fekker, mitter, ...

To create Names with double letters you can use plus '+'. This will repeat the previous letter.

<grammar>store output from a grammar as a variable, these variables are indexed sequentially

Output: pliti, glaru, skoti, ...

Place each of your variables inside angle brackets '<>'. The variables are saved seqentially:
1: sk, 2: sm, 3: sn, 4: sp, 5: st, 6: tw, 7: bl, 8: fl, 9: gl, 10: sl, 11: pl
Behind this you can call it in your pattern by its index and within brackets'()', see also next steps.
(number)place stored variable, one-indexed

Output: blunki, blanka, blenka, ...

Place each of your variables inside angle brackets '<>'. The variables are saved seqentially:
1: bl, 2: nk
Behind this you can call one of them in your pattern by its index within brackets.
(#-#)randomly place a variable from a range of variables

Output: skets, blast, skank, ...

Place each of your variables inside angle brackets '<>'. The variables are saved seqentially:
1: bl, 2: tw, 3: sk, 4: nk, 5: ts, 6: st
Behind this you can call a range of them in your pattern. Just enter the "from-to" range by its index with a hypen '-' and within brackets '()'.
(#,#,#)randomly place a variable from a set of variables

Output: schoska, chichi, chuski, ...

Place each of your variables inside angle brackets '<>'. The variables are saved seqentially:
1: sch, 2: ch, 3: sk, 4: nk
Behind this you can call a set of them in your pattern. Just enter the variables by its index, separeted with semicolon ',' and within brackets '()'.
(*)place random variable

Output: blefu, skuro, twini, ...

Place each of your variables inside angle brackets '<>'. Behind this you can call them in your pattern. Just enter asterisk within brackets '(*)' to call one of your variables randomly. To only call certain variables of your set, see previous steps.

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